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Some recent access databases projects we have been working on.
Microsoft Access
Developed for a local not for profit organisation that supports craft education this database tracks members of the organisation and whether they are trades people or donors and what their interests are.
The database has a powerful search facility that can save searches and then recall them to send the results to reports or labels.
Microsoft Access
A simple Access database for managing customers.
Includes a powerful search facility and an export to Excel or to a report which can print mailing labels.
Other reports include a call sheet and a follow up list.
Microsoft Access
This database tracks the progress of children in English, Mathematics and Science for a Primary School. The results for each year and term are compared to the expected averages.
The results for each pupil can be exported to an Excel graph
Grades and marks are colour coded to make it easier to identify whether pupils are on track.
It also features a facility to update the database at the beginning of a school year so that pupils can be moved on to the next class but at the same time keep the previous years results for comparison.
Microsoft Access
An access database developed for a company that manufactures cosmetics to allow them to keep track of components within a product.
It also contains information on the licences for each component in each country where it is licenced, the supplier and distributor.
There is a document management system built in so licences can be scanned and attached to each record.
Reports include registration by supplier and country, registrations due to expire, project status and variations on products.
Microsoft Access
This database was developed for an MOD contractor to track the status of all their repair contracts.
It includes a parts database with details of serial numbers, quantities in stock and locations.
Reports include a stockholding report, inward and outward movements of parts and historic transactions.
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